You have a reserved/pre-paid seat to Tea & Tonic on June 17, 2022, but we need your contact info to send you details leading up to the event.


  • Please enter "number" under Quantity for the number of guests for whom you will be entering contact info. (If this is just you, enter "1." If you are entering contact info for you and your spouse, enter "2" and so on). 


  • To avoid long delay at check-in, securely pre-register your credit card by selecting the "I authorize" box at the bottom. 


  • Click "Next"


  • Complete the contact form

*Credit card information is kept completely secure and confidential and will only be used should you choose to participate in our auction or make other purchases or donations during the event.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Sponsor / Table Guest Registration $0.00
I authorize Center for Community Solutions to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Tea & Tonic 2022. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.